Monday, 23 March 2020


“A dissent in a court of last resort is an appeal to the brooding spirit of law, to the intelligence of a future day when a later decision may possibly correct the error into which the dissenting justice believes the court to have been betrayed.”                                                                                                               ― Justice Charles Evans Hughes
History has always been very kind in referring the life time events. Being a student of law, Corona Virus was something like blessing in disguise for the under trial prisoners. Although we don’t find room for such orders but we always need to make room for situations which could have devastating effects on the life of people. I can witness many cases where the poor suffer and the rich gets relief in our judicial system. The very much awaited relief which the court wants to give to the prisoner, sometimes due to a lot of factors is delayed hence denied. Without naming or pointing out characters, we as a whole need to step forward for the rights of the weakest class of a society i.e. prisoners.  Superior courts had always spoken against high bail bonds for poverty stricken accused person and had recommended their enlargement on bail on personal bond and even without sureties, today millions of people are jailed pending trials because they are either too illiterate to apply for bail or too poor to furnish the bail amount.

Purpose of Bail
 The basic purpose of bail is to give custody of the accused person to the surety to make sure that the accused person will appear before the trial court. For this sole purpose the accused who are unable to arrange surety or sometimes their circumstances don’t allow the court to grant this relief to the accused person remain in judicial custody as the state is responsible for their appearance before the court. This means that tax payer money is responsible for the whole stay of the accused person in the prison which includes all the basic facilities to which he is entitled unless he is given bail or the trial concludes. 

Bail as a form of Punishment
We have totally changed the dynamics of this relief and in fact this relief itself has become part of punishment. Chapter 3 of Pakistan Penal Code 1860 deals with different kinds of punishments which can be given to an accused person. However, I was unable to figure out the punishment given to an accused, in form of his imprisonment in jail, who is pronounced innocent after trial. Why, how and who can be blame is a Pandora box which will only complicate the situation instead of addressing the issue and finding the solution.

Bail on Corona Virus Ground
Legally speaking there are different forms of bails to which an accused person is entitled. However, the discretionary relief of bail on the ground of Corona Virus is itself an exception to all those categories. Corona Virus is a deadly incurable disease but still this bail cannot be said to be granted on medical grounds. Therefore, we need to find the legal footing of this stupendous decision taken by the Honorable Court. This decision of the Honorable court is more than a step towards betterment of our criminal justice system where reformation of prisoner was the basic purpose of establishing Jails. However, with the passage of time it has become a place to level scores between parties. Even sometimes the state itself is a party to such heinous crime. Our Judicial standards in human rights are uniformly pathetic and secondly that judges are universally unwilling to punish prison officials and policemen. However, it is the basic duty of the court to make sure that the basic purpose of keeping the inmates behind the bars is properly served. The state took the custody of the UTP to make sure that they will produce them on every date before the trial court for proceeding with the trial. However, there are circumstances when the proceedings are adjourned due to unavoidable conditions, as in the present scenario of health emergency. For such conditions there is provision to adjourn proceedings as the inmates cannot be kept in judicial custody for the sole purpose of trial and on the other hand the state is unable to procure the attendance of the inmates before the court for trial. For such conditions where the state is in state of emergency and the trial proceedings itself are a question mark, the proceedings can be adjourned or postponed. The legislature has used the word, “any reasonable cause, it becomes necessary or advisable to postpone the commencement of trial” clearly fits in to the present scenario. There are plethora of dictums of the superior courts which somehow also support the gist of this order. This order has clearly shown that the real power of the constitutional courts and purpose of making such courts. The extra ordinary jurisdiction is intended primarily, for providing expeditious remedy in a case where the illegality of the impugned action of an executive or other authority can be established without any elaborate enquiry into complicated or disputed facts.

The representative of the government is very much admitting that the population of the jail is beyond their control. No one can come up with a policy to reduce number of inmates as it involves a lot of questions. Questions of law and facts involving rights of people and duty of state. Prison Rules have mentioned all the procedures to be adopted to deal with such like situations. However, no such step was taken by the government neither any plan was presented instead of showing their will to reduce the inmates with a magic stick. Giving priority to health over safety needs some parameters. We did move ahead but there should be parameters or guidelines for such pandemic conditions.  


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